Friday, 20 June 2014

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 20 | What Makes Me Happy

A few days ago I spoke about things I like to do to make sure that my mind is as healthy as possible, so in order not to repeat myself I will today talk about additional things that I do when I need to improve my mood.


Having only started this blog in April, I am still very new to it and think I will continue to learn for a long time to come. One thing that has surprised me though is how happy I feel once I have put work into a post and I see it go live. It's a great feeling of accomplishment and something that makes me feel better about my day. It's a lot more work than I originally thought it would be, but is also more rewarding so that balances out nicely.


If you know me you'll already be aware of my love of comics. I have a growing collection and not only do I like to read them, but I also like to make things with them (obviously only the ones that I know aren't worth anything though). The art work in some of them, in my opinion, could rival some of the work you see hung in the best galleries in the world. Comics help to take my mind off things, but they also give me strength. To read a story of Wonder Woman and be totally engrossed in it often makes me feel like I can do anything, and that's a great way to cheer up.

You Tube

Over the last year or so I have become a little bit obsessed with You Tube, now watching it more than TV! I've had an account on there for years, but only ever used it to watch the odd music video or video that someone I know had posted. Now though I am subscribed to a massive list of people, that all offer different things from practical jokes to make-up tips. Some of my favourite accounts to watch when I need to be cheered up are:

Both of these channels are hosted by the lovely Louise, Glitter is her main channel where she talks about beauty, lifestyle and lots of other little bits. Chatter is her vlog channel, here you will see her beautiful daughter Darcy and get to see what a wonderful life she lives, partly due to her success on You Tube. She is always bright and bubbly so it's hard to stay in a bad mood when watching her videos.

If you are an active member of the You Tube community you are probably already aware of Jenna Marbles, with over 13 million subscribers she is one of the most popular people on the site. She uploads video's weekly and are always comedic in nature. Her channel is one of the few that I can watch over and over again as it always makes me laugh, and her dogs are just adorable.

If you're looking for harmless practical jokes, this is a great channel to watch. So many You Tube channels similar to this can get a bit 'close to the bone', but this one is simply good, clean fun. I particularly love the shopping pranks, where he goes into a shop and has to ask the assistant for a list of goods that don't exist, the best part is that he's never seen the list before so doesn't know what he's about to ask for until he flips the page.


Ever since I was a child, music has always been a big part of my life, rarely going for more than a few hours without listening to something, so it's always something I turn to when I am looking to cheer up. I have a quite a varied collection, but there are a couple of songs that get me moving every time I hear them and never fail to make me happy:

Groove Is In The Heart - Deee-Lite

Summertime - Fresh Prince and DJ Jazzy Jeff

As great as all of these things are at putting me in a good mood nothing makes me happier than people simply being nice. A good attitude to others, being helpful, understanding, patient and kind go a heck of a lot further than anything else. To see other people really putting themselves out for another person, doing anything they can to help, especially when there is nothing in it for themselves, that's what fills my heart and truly makes me happy.

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