Monday, 28 July 2014

Manicure Monday | Models Own - Speckled Egg in Duck

After a brief love affair with Lychee last week, I am back to the more bold side of my collection. This week I've been loving another of the Speckled Egg collection from Models Own.

models own speckled egg duck

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Where Have I Been?

I feel incredibly lucky to have increased my readership so much over the last few weeks, I really appreciate that you take time out of your lives to read my little blog. But for those of you that are new readers you may be wondering if I ever post.

Meet My Dog

3 years ago I received a picture message of the most gorgeous looking dog I think I have ever seen. She is a Lhasa Apso who was looking for a new home. At only 3 months old she had already had 3 homes, I was never given a reason for this, but it's thought that because she has an extra toe she "isn't fit for breeding". This appalled me! I collected her a couple of hours after seeing the photo and she has been with me ever since.

vegan dog

Monday, 21 July 2014

Manicure Monday | Barry M Gelly - Lychee

After all of the bright colours I've been wearing these past couple of months I was feeling in the mood for something a bit more neutral, so I went digging through my stash and found Barry M Gelly in Lychee.

barry m lychee

Monday, 14 July 2014

Manicure Monday | Barry M for Superdrug's 50th Birthday

Last week was a strange one for nail polish, I must have done them at least six times in two days. Partly because I wasn't well at the start of the week so couldn't do much besides paint my nails, and partly because it seemed that I couldn't manage to do all ten fingers without messing them up in some way, do you ever have days like that?

Barry M Pink Glitter Polish

Sunday, 13 July 2014

New Blog Design

Yay, I'm so excited!

Ever since I started this blog back in April I've wanted to change the way it looks, I've mentioned it a few times. As much as the way I originally had it was ok for the time being, it wasn't clean enough for my liking, I wanted something fresher and easier on the eye.


Saturday, 12 July 2014

The British Tag

Scrolling through my You Tube subscriptions the other day, I came across this video by Helen Melonlady, The British Tag. I loved the questions asked so thought it might be fun to do it, especially as I am from Britain myself.


Thursday, 10 July 2014

Quick and Easy Vegan Welsh Cakes | Recipe

Being from Wales I've obviously had my, and possibly others, fair share of Welsh cakes in the past. I used to adore them, but since turning vegan I haven't had any. So, with a craving and a free day I decided it was time that I tried my hand at making my own. Here is how I made 18 of the little beauties:


Monday, 7 July 2014

Manicure Monday | Models Own - Speckled Egg in Dove

Ever since I was a child I've been in love with nail polish, sometimes painting my nails every day. I know it's excessive but it's something I really enjoy doing and it also calms me down if I'm feeling particularly stressed. So I've decided that every Monday I will write a short post on my favourite mani of the week, either one that I've been wearing for a couple of days prior or one that I will be wearing from Monday onwards. It won't be a full review, just a few lines and a couple of photos to show you what the nail polish looks like on.


Friday, 4 July 2014

ELF Haul | Photo Heavy

Although I've picked up some things from ELF over the last few months (see my previous haul here), I have been waiting for a big sale to get the things I have really been looking forward to trying. Thankfully, a couple of weeks ago I received an email saying that they were having a weekend sale with 50% off everything site wide, so I took the opportunity and picked up quite a few things.


Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Monthly Favourites | June 2014

This month has been quite expensive for me, I've bought so much that I'm planning on doing a 'no buy July' in order to save a bit of money. A lot of the things I have been loving this month have been outside of make-up and beauty, but I was still loving a few new products in June.


Tuesday, 1 July 2014

The End of Animal Testing in China?

Being a cruelty free shopper has always been a bit of a burden, having to Google products and ingredients is very time consuming, but all that could soon be a lot easier thanks to China changing its law on animal testing.

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