Tuesday, 17 June 2014

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 17 | My Favourite Blogs

I have been really looking forward to writing this post! As I've mentioned a few times before, I am a little bit addicted to blogs, so getting to share a few of my favourites with you is great. I could honestly recommend a good 30-40, but I'm sure you'd be bored to tears reading through so many so I've decided I am only going to talk about 5 today. I will do another post in the future on some of the others that I think you might like to check out. So I don't repeat myself, blogs that I have previously mentioned aren't included here.

All Things Lush UK

As you may have gathered from the title, this blog is all about Lush Cosmetics. Jen is a fellow vegan who is completely obsessed with Lush, and thankfully she happily shares her experiences with her readers. Any Lush product you can possibly think of (that's vegan, which most of them are) will have, at some point, been tried out by this lovely lady and reviewed on her blog. Her posts are always extremely well written, with great product photo's and some of the best scent descriptions I have ever come across. Buying cosmetics online can be a dodgy business, so before I buy anything from Lush I always check this blog to read Jen's opinion on it, and I have to say that I am yet to disagree with her on any of them! She is also incredibly generous, hosting large giveaways on a regular basis.

Logical Harmony

I couldn't possibly write about my favourite blogs without including Logical Harmony. If you are unfamiliar with this site, it is a cruelty free, vegan, beauty and lifestyle blog. Tashina, the blog's creator, does the best animal testing policy research I have seen on any blog or website. I use her blog almost exclusively to see if a company is safe to buy from as she regularly updates her 'safe' and 'not safe' lists. Not only will you find answers to questions about animal testing and ingredients here, but you will also find product reviews and recipes. Logical Harmony really is a one stop shop for anyone looking to live a cruelty free lifestyle.

Sweet Electric

Sweet Electric is one of those blogs that I have no idea how I found, I just seem to have stumbled upon it and I'm so glad I did. Not only are posts always brilliantly written, but they are also interesting, informative and up to date. There's little worse when it comes to reading blogs than reading a review on a product only to go and hunt it down and find out that it's no longer on sale, or reading tips on how to use certain techniques to improve your blog only to find that the interface has changed and it's no longer relevant. Yep, Sweet Electric offers a mixture of things; beauty, blogging tips, free blog templates and a whole lot more. Reading this blog has helped me so much, especially being a beginner with no friends to ask advice from (I have friends, I just don't have any blogging friends). If you're relatively new to this world I would suggest you follow Sweet Electric.

Love & Lemons is the first vegan food blog I ever subscribed to, and with good reason. The blog itself looks fresh and clean, exactly what I am after when looking for recipes, and the posts are always detailed and well explained. I have found some of my favourite meals and desserts on here, this recipe for French toast is phenominal, hands down the best vegan French toast I have ever eaten. It's so nice that my mother, who eats meat and dairy, asked me to make her this any time she was unwell. I really can't say enough good things about Love & Lemons. 

This is one of the few blogs that I am subscribed to that has nothing to do with beauty, food or cruelty free lifestyle. I was first made aware of Fiending For Hope about a year ago when a friend of mine recommended an article, hours after clicking the link I was still on the site and had read through months of posts. This blog is an excellent place to go if you are looking for inspiration for feminism. I know that word has had a bad rap over the past few years, actually, make that always, but it's not something we should be ashamed of, it's something we need to embrace. Being a feminist, in a very simple way is about equality, and who doesn't want that? But here you will find a lot more than feminism, it's a place that talks about racism, sexual issues, homophobia and so much more. You really do have to check it out to see the amount of issues covered by this very brave, ballsy woman. The writer is extremely articulate and expresses herself amazingly well whilst covering some really tough topics, I really admire her for that. She's not one to mind her language, so if that offends you then it's something to be aware of. There is a big disclaimer on the home page that some of the content could be triggering, but if you're ok with that I think it's a website that really does make you think and question things that, perhaps, you wouldn't have before.

I really could have gone on and on recommending blogs to you, there are so many out there that I feel, don't get the attention they deserve. I hope that you find this post helpful and give some of these a look, I don't think you'll be disappointed if you do.

Please feel free to leave any links to some of your blogs or your favourites below, I am always looking to improve my reading list.

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