Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Superdrug B. Pure Micellar Water | Review

I am SUPER late to this party. Micellar water has been everywhere the last couple of years, but up until now I hadn't tried any of them. I was in a bit of a rut with my skin care regime and wanted to shake things up, so when I saw that Superdrug's own B. range was half price I thought it was perfect timing to try some new products out.

Micellar water is a cleanser, toner and refresher in one. Unlike other cleansers, this is designed to be used on a cotton wool pad. Simply apply to cotton wool and wipe over the face and neck to remove make up, dirt, sebum and impurities. It's gentle enough to use on eyes but strong enough to remove waterproof mascara.


Thursday, 24 April 2014

GOSH Cosmetics Animal Testing Policy and Vegan List

Today I heard back from GOSH Cosmetics about their animal testing policy, here is what they had to say:

Saturday, 19 April 2014

Getting To Know Me | Tag

Since my blog is still just a baby, I thought I would do this tag so you can know a little more about me. I read this initially on Humanely Chic and, although I'm not tagged personally, she asked anyone to do it.


Thursday, 17 April 2014

Sleek Makeup Animal Testing Policy and Vegan List

Today I heard back from Sleek Makeup regarding their animal testing policy, here's what they had to say:

Why Don't Cosmetic Companies Reply To Questions About Animal Testing?

Recently I have sent quite a few emails to different companies regarding their stance on animal testing, and am yet to hear off any of them. I have been doing this for a number of years and I have to say that only a handful of companies have ever been completely transparent with me.

Monday, 14 April 2014

Marks and Spencer Daily Care Sensitive Skin Toner | Review

The only toner I ever used until recently was by Simple, and I haven't used that in years. I'd never really seen the point in them if I'm honest. But lately I have noticed that my pores are slightly more noticeable, so when I saw this toner whilst browsing the Marks and Spencer website I thought I'd give it a try.


Thursday, 10 April 2014

Batiste Dry Shampoo XXL Volume | Review

I've never been one of these girls that washes their hair every day, and with good reason. Being mixed race my hair has always been coarse and dry, so washing it more than 2-3 times a week would make it brittle and unmanageable. I've never really had to do much in terms of maintaining my hair, just a top up of colour every few weeks and a bit of de-frizzing always gave my long curly locks what they needed. But as I have got older things have changed, my hair is now shorter than it ever has been and I'm finding that the roots tend to get a little oily in between washes. Still, it's not changed enough to warrant washing it every day, so I was on the hunt for a good dry shampoo.


Monday, 7 April 2014

Neal's Yard Wholefoods Sugar Free Sherbet Lemons | Review

Before I became aware of the junk I was eating, I used to love sherbet lemons, the tanginess of the lemon and sharpness of the sherbet hidden inside the delicious shell just made me go back to them time and time again. So, when I went to Holland and Barrett a couple of months ago and saw these sweets I just had to pick up a bag.


Friday, 4 April 2014

Autograph Ultimate Wear Lip Lacquer in Bright Coral | Review

When I first became vegan almost 10 years ago, one of the first things that crossed my mind was how I was going to get the same quality make up products I was used to, but still at a reasonable price. I was unaware of the vast range available to me. I had become slightly obsessed with the Max Factor Lipfinity range, I probably owned around 90% of the colours they released. Of course since becoming vegan they, along with the majority of my cosmetics, had to be replaced by animal friendly brands.


Wednesday, 2 April 2014

My First Blog | Exciting and Scary!

I have been thinking about creating a blog for quite a while now. I think watching too much Sex and the City made me think I could be a much better writer than was actually possible, but surely I could blog, couldn't I? I guess we'll soon see.
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