Thursday, 5 June 2014

30 Day Blog Challenge Day 5 | My Proudest Moment

I'm not 100% sure that my proudest moment should count here, it wasn't myself that I was proud of, but it is by far the most proud I have ever felt in my life so I am going to include it.

I have 1 sibling, a brother who is 2 years older than me. He's always been really into sport and has been quite successful at everything he has tried. When he was a teenager he was offered a place in the Welsh Rugby Union squad, if you're from the UK you'll know what a huge deal this is. My Dad, a former rugby union player himself, was over the moon, but my brother knew that in order to accept this he had to turn his back on football and athletics, both of which he was really good at and enjoyed. To my parents dismay he turned down the spot and chose to concentrate on football.

Fast forward quite a few years and injuries plagued him and things didn't work out playing sport professionally, he went to university and got a good degree and career but still played sport as a hobby. With the injuries he had rugby union was a bit hard on his body, taking a battering every weekend wasn't any good, so he started playing rugby league instead. That is a similar game but much quicker, more skill and less hits. He seemed to enjoy this even more than the other sports he played. Which is great because he was good, really good.

In his mid 20's he was asked to play for his country, this time there was no hesitation in saying "yes". The whole family drove down to the stadium to watch him play, and as he stood there before the game in full kit it took all I had to hold back the tears. As the national anthem played I was half singing, half crying. After everything, seeing him in full kit on the pitch singing to the national anthem for the first time was too much. My Mum squeezed my hand and I lost it, I wanted to shout to everyone that he was my brother, I was the most proud I have ever been in my life.

He has since done some amazing things, especially for charity (like hiking up Mt. Snowdon before walking the entire length of Wales back home. All with nothing but a backpack and a tiny tent), but I don't think anything will ever compare to that feeling of seeing him represent our country in a sport our family loves! If you're interested, you can follow his Twitter here.

If you are doing this, or any other blog challenge, please leave a link below. I would love to read it.

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