Sunday, 8 February 2015

Weekly Round-Up #27 | Entertainment

As I've been writing my Weekly Round-Up's for 27 weeks now, I thought that I would change it up a bit. I'll still post my regular Round-Up the majority of the time as you seem to enjoy those posts, but some weeks I don't do anything of note or buy anything that interesting, so from time to time I'm going to make it a themed round-up. This week I've decided to base it on my favourite entertainment of the week, I hope you like it.

Netflix:  Snowpiercer

I'd never heard of this film before browsing through Netflix, but I'm so glad I stumbled across it, it's one of the best films I've seen in a while. Set in a future where the majority of the population have frozen to death, the remaining people have had to live on a train circling the globe for 17 years. As expected, the upper classes get the best accommodation and treatment and the working class get the left overs. Starring Chris Evans of Captain America fame, Snowpiercer is a science fiction action film that I'd highly recommend, it's both disturbing and entertaining in equal measure and will make you think about just how far you might go to try and survive.

Cinema:  Ex Machina

Whilst looking for films to go to the cinema and watch I came across Ex Machina, and as I love sci-fi and fantasy films I thought it looked the best one to check out. I wish I hadn't now. Even days after going to see it, and thinking about it a fair bit, I'm still unsure how I feel about it. It was very, very slow, so much so that the person I went to see it with was snoring at one point! It didn't live up to what I expected, though I can't blame that on anything but myself as I didn't read about it or see a trailer. It's a dark film, and not one that I would recommend to anyone, but I still can't decide if I actually liked it or not, and I never feel like that.

Sport:  6 Nations Wales v England

Being a Wales native, I feel like it's practically a religion to watch the Wales rugby union team play, especially when it's in the 6 nations, and even more so when it's against our greatest rivals; England. So this Friday evening I plonked myself in front of the TV to enjoy our first match of the tournament. Unfortunately we lost 16-21, and I have to be honest and say that we deserved the defeat. England completely outplayed us, especially in the second half, so I hope the team has now learned their lesson and will up their game for the rest of the competition.

Game:  Monopoly

I haven't played Monopoly since I was a child, and I don't think I've ever finished a game. So when I was given a new game for my birthday on Monday I couldn't wait to crack it open. I'm  not sure if the rules have changed or if we always played it slightly wrong but it didn't take as long (around 2 hours) and was such a laugh. I'll be bugging my friends and family to play it all the time now.

Music:  Ben Howard

I've told you before how much I love Ben Howard, and this week it's been pretty much the only music I've listened to. I have three of his albums and have been playing them all on repeat constantly. His voice is so unique and soothing, he's one of the few artists that I can listen to non-stop and not get fed up of.

Blog:  Lovely Witches

I first came across Lovely Witches when Gemima, the lady behind the blog, left me a blog comment, and I've been an avid reader ever since. Lovely Witches is a beauty and lifestyle blog where you will only ever find cruelty-free products, with the majority being vegan. Her photos are always outstanding; bright, clear and very inviting and her writing style is right up my ally. I really think she deserves a lot more love than she is getting, so go on over and take a peek, I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

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