Sunday, 21 December 2014

Weekly Round-up #20

Beauty product of the week:  Crazy Rumors lip balm in Black Cherry

It's official, I'm hooked on Crazy Rumors! I have a few different flavours now and my favourite this week has been Black Cherry. To me it doesn't smell too much of fresh cherries, but smells a heck of a lot like cherry bakewell's, which is a scent I adore. It tastes amazing and lasts brilliantly, just as all of them do.

Candle of the week:  Village Candle - Christmas Garland

This is one of the few seasonal candles that I really wish I'd bought a full size of, I've loved the scent of this in my bedroom this week but although I rationed its use, It's almost finished. As you'd expect from the name, it smells very heavily of fresh Christmas flora. It's not overly strong, but gives just a hint of Christmas, and because the scent isn't too heavy this is a candle I can see myself enjoying for a good few months yet if I can get my hands on a jar that is.

Loved:   Being in a great mood

The past couple of months have been very up and down for me, but mostly down if I'm honest. I haven't been in the best place and I've let things get to me more than I should, but this week has been a bit of a turn around. I've been in a better mood than I have been for a while and in turn have got more done than I have in a while. I'm definitely one of those people that needs to be in a good mood in order to do certain things, so I've let a lot slip lately, but now I'm starting to feel a bit more on top of things. Hopefully this will continue into the new year.

Bought:  New clothes

I had an email a few days ago to let me know that Yours Clothing was having a 1 day sale with up to 50% off everything, so with some savings in the bank (I know, it's Christmas and I should be skint), I decided to treat myself. I got a dress, 2 pairs of leggings, a couple of bags and a top. I love Yours Clothing because I know that I can order my size and everything will fit, which is almost impossible. This dress is my favourite thing I bought, it's so comfortable and looks equally good worn with tights and shoes or leggings and ankle boots.

Watched:  Everything on my TiVo

I absolutely love Christmas TV, so with the season's programming due to start this week I've made sure to clear my TiVi so I can record as much of it as possible. I rarely watch anything live (adverts really annoy me), so I needed to make sure I had as much space as possible to record 100's of hours to watch over the coming weeks/months. It was at 70+% and I've managed to get it down to less than 10%. Bring on the Christmas films!

Listened to:  Christina Perri - Lovestrong (link)

I've lost count of the amount of times I've listened to this album, I know every word to every song. It's one of the few albums that I can happily have on as either background music or loud and proud, no-matter what mood I'm in.

You Tube:  Rachel Whitehurst

If you like your YouTubers to have a slight potty mouth, you'll love Rachel Whitehurst. I first discovered her channel last autumn and very quickly watched all of her 'rant' videos (where she has a good old rant about various things that have pissed her off). I then moved on to her beauty videos and now watch everything she uploads. She's funny, informative and is very real (obviously she's a real person, what I mean is that she doesn't really care what she says and doesn't suck up to brands or her management). In a sea of over-managed people, she's a breath of fresh air.

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