Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Organic Surge Million Dollar Anywhere Balm | Review

If you read my Cuticle Care Routine a few months back, you'll be well aware of the attention I already give to make sure they're in good condition at all times, so when I opened my The Vegan Kind Beauty Box and saw a multi purpose balm I was really happy.

The balm comes packaged in a heavy glass jar with a screw off silver lid, it feels very luxurious and expensive. Everything from the glass jar to the outer box feels as if you're getting a premium skincare product, and that's because you are. I've never used a 'multi-tasking skin soother' type of product before so didn't really know what to expect, but now I have there's no going back, I'm in love!

You get a generous 30ml of balm for your £14.99 and you need to use so little at a time that I really think this is going to last a long time, making it great value even if the price seems a little high to begin with. The first time I used the balm I found it difficult to get any product on my finger as there was a jelly-type film over the balm, but I peeled that away and find it easy to use now. Two or three swirls of a finger tip is all I need to pick up enough product to moisturise each cuticle, elbow or dry patch on my face. When first applied, the balm does feel slightly oily, but within a few minutes it completely sinks into the skin leaving no residue at all. There is a definite scent to the balm, although it is fairly faint. I don't particularly like the scent but if that means no unnecessary perfumes are added to mask it, I'm happy.

I've used this balm on my face without any negative effects, which surprised me as I was half expecting to break out from the oils. It cleared up a dry area on my forehead within two uses and has left my skin super soft. I've also used it on my elbows, which I always struggle with and it's helped soften them up, though I do still prefer Heel Genius from Soap and Glory for those. I've tried it as a lip balm and it definitely left them softer, but I prefer to use a separate product for my lips so it may not get much use in that way. It doesn't have a taste, and I appreciate that about it. The best way I've found to use the balm is on my hands and cuticles, it works like nothing else I've ever used on them! 

After every manicure I use a cuticle oil and hand cream, but have recently switched to this and they've never looked better, my dry skin is virtually gone and my cuticles are softer than they've ever been. I really can't sing the praises of this balm highly enough, I know I'm going to be buying another jar of this when this eventually runs out, though that may not be for a while. 

Another thing I love about the Million Dollar Balm is that Organic Surge donate $1 for every balm they sell. Here is a quote from their website to tell you more:
Our Million Dollar donations go directly to the Kenya Children's Home Baby Care Unit and Orphanage, transforming the lives of vulnerable children in Africa. 
Organic Surge has been proud sponsors of the Baby Care Unit in Kenya Children's Home, Nairobi since 2009. The Baby Care Unit cares for 48 sick or abandoned children, from newborns to 2 year olds and Organic Surge funded all costs for nursing care, food an staff for the full year.
To be able to help a wonderful charity whilst getting a top quality product is fantastic, I love supporting companies who help others. Over all I would highly recommend the Million Dollar Balm; it works for a number of problems, is kind to my sensitive skin, looks and feels luxurious and is the best thing I've ever used on my cuticles. I don't ever want to be without a jar of this now, thank you The Vegan Kind for introducing me to such an amazing product.

Organic Surge Million Dollar Anywhere Balm is available from their website for £14.99.

Have you tried this balm, or anything else from Organic Surge?

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