Sunday, 14 December 2014

Weekly Round-up #19

Bought:  Lush - Lord of Misrule Perfume

There has been so much drama over the release of this perfume, partly because it's so bloody difficult to get your hands on, and partly because the bottles aren't completely full. I took this photo the morning it was delivered, before I'd even sprayed it once, and look how full it is. I can't speak for other people, but I bought this knowing that it would be that way, so I can't really complain too much, but those not knowing it would look that way must have been furious. I know a couple of people who have bought it to give as a gift, and they feel too embarrassed to now, it looks as if they've been wearing it themselves so I totally understand. Anyway, on to the positive, it smells glorious! Seriously my favourite perfume in the whole world ever. Better than Chanel, better than Stella McCartney and any other high end brand I bought in the past, which is a good thing because none of them are vegan so I can't buy them any longer. Jen over at All Things Lush has written a great review of it, and will do a much better scent description than I ever could.

Disappointed by:  No more Orange Wednesday's

Orange have announced this week that they are ending their Orange Wednesday's in February. No more 'buy one get one free' in the cinema and no more Pizza Express. I only go to the cinema on Wednesday's, and always use that offer (thanks to very kind friends who give me their codes), so really don't look forward to paying full price once the offer stops. Apparently though there is another company hoping to start up a similar offer, I just hope it's not too long before they do.

Loved:  Ciate Mini Manor Month advent calendar (photo below)

I've had my eye on this advent calendar for the last couple of years so was determined to buy myself one this year, however, finances were tight at the end of November and I just couldn't justify spending £50 on an advent calendar for myself with Christmas just around the corner. I must have spoken about it no end, because my mother not only remembered the name of it (she can barely remember my name half of the time) but went out and got it for me. I'm loving it so far, there are a mixture of mini nail polishes, loose glitters and nail gems, so expect to see more about it in future Manicure Monday's.

Loathed:  Still being ill

I told you last week that I wasn't very well, this week has been worse. I couldn't get out of bed for most of it and was sick for 3 days. Thankfully by Friday I was feeling much better, so things should be back to normal by the end of the weekend.

Liked:  Christmas decorations

For the first time ever I've decided to make my bedroom feel a bit more Christmassy. I haven't done an awful lot to it, just put up a mini tree, some festive candle holders and my advent calendar, but it looks so cute.

Angry at:  Superdrug's Instagram page

As you'll be well aware of by now if you read this blog, I love Superdrug. I buy loads of my make-up and beauty products there because they're cruelty-free and have tons of vegan options. Everything is labelled and they're BUAV certified. So when I was scrolling through my feed on Friday I was really shocked to see this blatant display of animal abuse being endorsed by them. The reindeer were being kept in a tiny pen, with very little straw and no space, in a train station in central London. Reindeer (or any animal for that matter) do not belong in a busy, crowded place with strangers gawking and poking at them. The fear these poor animals must feel is terrible. A few people justifying this kind of 'display' have said something along the lines of "but if they've been doing this for their entire lives they're used to it, so won't be scared". While that may be true, does that make it ok? That means that they've never had a normal life, never lived in the wild, in their correct climate, played with their friends and been brought up by their parents like a reindeer should be; without the interference of humans. There's a great post about why it's wrong to use reindeer in this way here. People bombarded the post with complaints, and a few were saying that they weren't ever going to shop in Superdrug again because of their promotion of the display, Within the hour Superdrug removed the post and apologised on Twitter, stating that "We're very sorry if the photo we posted earlier caused offence. It is not something we are connected with in any way". I'm glad Superdrug have seen that this is something that the Great British public are not willing to put up with and they will hopefully learn from it.

Watched:  The Vampire Diaries

I started watching the new season of The Vampire Diaries when it first came on in November, but was so lost that I had to go back and watch season 5 again. I'd completely forgotten what happened in most of it, it was like watching it for the first time again. I'm all caught up now though and can't wait for the next episode on Tuesday.

Twitter:  @ELFCosmeticsUK

ELF (Eyes Lips Face, not Buddy the elf) tweeted about my Manicure Monday this week, and it lead to a fair amount of blog traffic. It's always nice when brands notice you and think your work is worthy of a tweet.

You Tube:  Meghan Rienks

I've watched so much You Tube this week that it's almost taken over my week. I watch it a lot at the best of times, but having been unwell and with it currently being Vlogmas (where certain You Tubers vlog every day until Christmas) I've definitely watched more than my fair share. Meghan Rienks or Meghan Rosette as she is more commonly known, is such a positive and happy person it's almost impossible to stay in a bad mood while watching her. This week I caught up on all of her Vlogmas 2013 and lots of her 'main' channel videos too. A couple of days into Vlogmas this year she had surgery and is carrying on like a trooper, so we get to see her recovery, which is really interesting.

Started:  Online photography course

I found an online course on that I can do from home whilst I wasn't well. It didn't involve me having to do anything more than watch a few videos, which was perfect this week. I'm always trying to improve this blog, and hopefully this course will help me get a better understanding of photography, we shall see. I also started a basic French course, but I'm not sure how much of that will stick to be honest.

Written:  Christmas Cards

For the past few years I haven't really bothered with Christmas cards, I wrote a load last year but hardly any of them got sent, so I thought this year I would make more of an effort. For the first time since leaving school all of the cards I've written have been posted.

Christmas:  Finally done!

After weeks and weeks of stressing and worrying, I'm finally done with my Christmas shopping. All I have left to do is some wrapping and baking, and that should be a doddle. It's so nice to not be waiting for things to arrive, last year I was waiting until 4pm Christmas eve for my Step-Mum's present. I can sit back, relax and enjoy the festivities now.

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