Wednesday, 20 August 2014

What I've Won

As I mentioned in my July favourites, I was lucky enough to win a competition from the lovely Natalie of Girl Uninterpreted. I've been a reader of her blog for a few months now and love it, and it certainly helps that she's a thoroughly decent person too. Here are the prizes I won:

  1. Charles Worthington Body Booster Mousse
  2. Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge
  3. Sanctuary Spa body lotion
  4. 3 Jessup face brushes
  5. Bourjois 1 Seconde Mascara
  6. Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer - shade 2 Cool Medium
  7. Bourjois Happy Light Luminous Serum Primer
  8. Burt's Bees lip balm with coconut and pear
  9. Primark fashion nails - blue with daisies
  10. 4 Jessup eye brushes
  11. Natural Collection blush - Peach Melba (matte deep peach)
  12. Natural Collection eyeshadow - Asteroid (deep brown with fine shimmer)
  13. Ted Baker body spray
As you can see there's a great assortment of products here and most of them are cruelty free. I'm still researching them to see which ones are suitable for vegans, but I'm sure a few of them at least will make their way into future blog posts.

Thank you again Natalie, now I've photographed everything I can't wait to dig in! Don't forget to check out Natalies blog which you can find here.

Do you enter competitions online, if so what prizes have you won?

P.S.  Don't forget that my competition is still open (at the time of writing this), click here to find out more
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