Sunday, 7 September 2014

Weekly Round-up #5

Loved: The Red Arrows

This week Wales held the NATO summit, it was quite the palaver! Streets and schools were closed, we had a huge police and army presence and, of course, there were protesters. Most of it didn't affect me at all, but there were times when it was incredibly loud with all of the helicopters and planes flying overhead. On Friday morning (the last day of the summit) we were treated to a fly over of NATO planes and the RAF Red Arrows. Here is a picture I managed to get. I was very lucky, the sun was so bright that I couldn't see the screen of my camera so I had to just point it in the general direction and hope for the best. I'm pleased with what came out though.

Loathed: Anxiety

I really didn't know if I was going to manage to post anything this week as I was feeling so bad, but I've had a few sleepless nights and they end up being the days I get the most done. I have no idea why I've been so anxious this week, but it's not been any fun.

Watched: Captain America: The Winter Soldier

I was gutted that I didn't get to see this in the cinema, so I made sure I pre-ordered it as soon as I was able to. It came out 2 weeks ago now, and I've seen it 3 times already! It's so much better than the first film, a lot more mature. I'm really glad I didn't give in to peer pressure and watch it online, the quality wouldn't have been there and I wouldn't have enjoyed it as much. 

Read: Fiending For Hope (link)

I told you how much I love this blog in this post and have been reading it for over a year now. As it deals with some difficult topics, it can be draining and triggering to read some of the posts, but it also gives me strength. This week I've been re-reading some of my favourite posts and love them more now than the first time I read them.

Ate: Pizza

On Friday I really wasn't feeling like cooking, and I've got little in that I can eat without having to do a lot of work, so take-out was in order. I ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut; no cheese, jalapenos, red onion, peppers, mushrooms, sweet corn, pineapple and added my own vegan cheese at home. It was amazing! It's the first time I've used my own cheese on a take-away pizza but it definitely won't be the last. Cue annoying food photo...

Bought: Nail Polish

As I reported on my Facebook page, Models Own were having another 6 for £20 offer on this week, so I took advantage and picked up a few polishes I've had my eye on for a while. With autumn almost here I really wanted to get a few more smoky shades, so chose a grey, a purple-grey and a nude. I also completed my Velvet Goth collection. I'll have swatches for you soon.

Instagram: @just_alexis

If you've been a reader of this blog for any amount of time, you'll be well aware of my love for all things Harry Potter, and my love for nail polish. So, to see the two so fabulously combined was amazing. I keep going to this lady's account so I can look at the series of nail designs she posted this week. Just look at the detail, particularly on the thumb; she's even managed to paint Fluffy!

Listened to: Charlotte Martin (link)

In a bid to try and get rid of this anxiety I've been listening to much of the same music as last week. I have a play list that I find super relaxing and Charlotte Martin's album On Your Shore has been pretty much on repeat for most of the week.

Next week my post schedule is going to change slightly. I have been posting Monday, Thursday, Saturday and now Sunday's too with these Weekly Round-ups. So rather than have 3 consecutive days I'm changing it to; Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. I hope you like that better.

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