Sunday, 28 September 2014

Weekly Round-up #8

Bought:  Candles

I recently found out that Yankee Candles are vegan! It didn't even occur to me to check, I just assumed that they'd have beeswax in them. So, since I've never owned one and have no idea what I'd like, I decided to buy a selection of 15 votives to try a few all at once. I got a really good deal, including shipping they were only just over £18, that's only about £1.20 each. So far I've burned the Vanilla Cupcake and Mandarin Cranberry and love them both. I just know I'm going to get hooked on them now.

Loved:  Having free time

I haven't really done an awful lot this week, I'll explain why below, but the good thing that comes from that is having lots of spare time to watch films (Harry Potter for the 1000000th time), send out lots of emails requesting animal testing policies and of course, write up blog posts. I've got quite a bit done this week, some things that I've been putting off for a while.

Loathed:  Being super clumsy

On Wednesday morning I was going downstairs from my bedroom when, for no reason, I fell down the stairs. I have no idea how I managed to do it, I didn't trip, lose my footing or over-balance, I just fell. I dislocated 3 toes, my left shoulder and my right wrist, so as you can imagine, I was/am in a fair bit of pain. Thankfully everything went back in ok so I didn't need to go to the hospital (my Mum's a trooper and was here to put me back together). I'm so lucky, it could have been a lot worse.

Listened to:  Amy Macdonald (link)

I've been loving my old favourites recently, and this week was no exception. Life in a Beautiful Light is the third album from Scottish singer/songwriter Amy Macdonald and was released in 2012. This is my favourite song off the album (I think, but it might change again tomorrow), it's just so upbeat and happy. 

Watched:  Mock the Week

Mock the Week is a comedy panel show on Friday night's on BBC2 in the UK (I believe you can watch it online too though), with 2 teams of 3 comedians and a host; Dara O'Briain. They talk about topical issues from the previous week and come up with some of the funniest lines on TV, in my opinion. If you're slightly up on the news, and have a good sense of humour, you'll love this show.

Facebook:  Vegan Singles  

I'm not particularly on the lookout for a partner, so don't know why I joined the Vegan Singles group, but I'm glad I did. It's helped restore faith that there may be someone compatible when I do want to start dating again. It's a closed group, so you have to apply to be accepted, sorry to ruin your fun but there won't be any snooping haha.

Ate:  Raw

This week I've been on a raw cleanse; I couldn't eat anything cooked, with added salt or sugar or that was processed. Basically, I've been living off fresh fruit, salad and water. The first couple of days were so hard, a lot harder than I was expecting it to be, but by Thursday I was feeling pretty good and was even struggling to finish my salad, though in all fairness it was massive. It's not something I'll do again in a hurry, I don't think it'd be too healthy long term, but if I had an event and I wanted to feel good I'd do it for a few days.

Read:  So many disturbing things

If you're up on You Tube and the culture around it, I'm sure you'd have heard about the recent scandal that has come to light. A few You Tubers (I won't name any names, partly because I don't want to get into a debate about it, and partly because I don't want to give them any more publicity) have been uploading videos of themselves "pranking" women, in a sexually aggressive way. You Tube has removed a few videos as they breach their Terms of Service, but sadly some are still up. Since there has been such uproar about the content of these videos a few girls (I say 'girls' because I'm unsure of their ages, but I know that one is only 13) have come forward with allegations of a very serious nature. There is way too much to say on this subject than I can convey in this short post, so instead I will direct you to Laci Green. Laci is a You Tuber whose channel focuses on sexuality and feminism, a few days ago she wrote an open letter to one of the You Tubers in question, it has since been signed by over 1000 people.

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