Sunday, 1 March 2015

Happy St. David's Day | A Brief Look at the Odd Side of Wales

I know Sunday's are typically reserved for Weekly Round-Up's, but today just so happens to be St. David's Day, so I'm shaking things up a bit. St. David is the patron saint of Wales, where I'm from, and the day is quite a big deal here. I thought I'd take the chance to share with you a few things that may seem odd unless you're from Wales.

  • Buses are always driven by someone called Drive, who you have to thank as you exit the bus
  • Chopsy means cheeky or talkative
  • Twp means a bit thick
  • Yer means year, here or ear, take your pick
  • Tidy does not mean neat, it means good
  • "I won't lie to you" doesn't mean you aren't getting lied to
  • "To be honest with you" doesn't mean they're being honest with you
  • "Now in a minute" never means now, and rarely mean in a minute
  • Laverbread isn't actually baked goods at all
  • "Alright?" is rarely a question, it's usually a greeting
  • Ach-y-fi means horrible
  • If we're mean to you it generally means we like you
  • If we're overly nice to you it generally means we don't like you
  • The remote control is called 'the buttons' (maybe that's just my house though)
  • The microwave is the popty ping
  • Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch is a real place name
I love this weird and wonderful country, and am sure I could have gone on for page after page of things that never fail to amuse me about its language and its people.

If you live in Wales, can you think of anything else that's odd or amusing about living here? If you're from elsewhere, I'd love to know some of the strange things from your country.

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