Saturday, 25 April 2015

PHB Ethical Beauty Animal Testing Policy

phb animal testing policy

A few days ago a reader sent me an email to ask about the brand PHB Ethical Beauty. I was unfamilar with the company so sent them an email to find out their cruelty-free status. Here is what I asked them:
Are any of your finished products tested on animals either by your company or through a third party? 
Are any of the ingredients you use in your products tested on animals either by your company or through a third party? 
Are you or your manufacturers owned or affiliated with any companies that may test on animals? 
Do you currently sell your products in China? 
Do any of your products contain any animal by-products (eg. lanolin, carmine, albumen, whey, beeswax, etc.) 
Do you have a list of vegan friendly products?

Here is the response I received:

Hello Kelly
Thank you for your email. 
I can happily answer NO to all of your questions regarding animal testing etc. 
Also I can confirm that our products are vegan. 
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

As you can see, their reply was short and to the point, which I always appreciate. I'm happy to say that PHB Ethical Beauty are cruelty-free, and vegan friendly.

PHB Ethical Beauty products are available from their website, where you can clearly see that they're Leaping Bunny and Vegan Society approved. Their products are also gluten free, paraben free, alcohol free and halal.

If you have a favourite product from PHB Ethical Beauty please let me know in the comments. I'd love some recommendations. 

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