Friday, 22 January 2016

5 Blogs I Discovered and Loved in 2015

2015 was a fantastic year for discovering new blogs to get completely submerged in, I found so many new ones that have now become firm favourites in both my Bloglovin' feed and my bookmarks. This list is by no means 100% complete, if I told you about every blog I enjoyed over the last year we'd be here until 2017, but these are the ones that stood out to me in one regard or another.

Best Blogs of 2015

Sarah has become a fantastic friend over the last few months, she's one of the most caring and sincere people I've ever had the pleasure of talking to, but she's also absolutely hilarious! All of these qualities shine through in her beauty and lifestyle blog which makes it a joy to read. The one post that really pulled me in last year was I'm Disabled and I Wear Make-up, So What?. Even if you're not disabled, actually, especially if you're not disabled, I suggest giving it a read. As for beauty, if you like high-end make-up Sarah has you covered, I'm yet to see anything on her blog repeated numerous times elsewhere, so if you're after a Kevyn Aucoin review that's unique and honest, this is the blog for you.

Caitlin, the wonderful person behind the blog, is one of my favourite people in the world, so it only makes sense that I became totally hooked on her blog over the last 12 months. Through The Mirror is predominantly a beauty blog, but you'll also find a generous helping of blogging tips and lifestyle posts too. Obviously, I enjoy the writing style of this blogger, but the thing that keeps me returning to it time and time again are the photos, they're just perfect, always beautifully arranged and lit up better than any other blogger I can think of. There were many posts that I loved in 2015, but the one that helped me the most was her guide to Google Analytics. I've been trying to use that thing for almost two years and I still haven't got the hang of it, but thanks to that post I am finding it easier.

Last summer I knew that I was going to have to take some time away from blogging, so put out a request for a couple of guest bloggers. The first one to reply was Lucy and I'll be ever thankful that she did, not only did she write a quality post for you all (Lush Bath Products for Sunny Days) but she's also become one of the people I'm closest to. Within a couple of weeks of talking, we were inseparable and she's helped me through some really rough times, I just love this girl to bits. Her blog is filled with helpful product reviews, hauls, make-up looks and more. If, like me, you're a beauty fanatic I suggest giving her blog a visit, I'm sure you'll like what you see.

Now that I know the wonderful Vix I know this is going to sound ludicrous, but she was always one of the bloggers that intimidated me the most. I have no idea why that was, perhaps because she's incredibly popular, or that she always seems to have her stuff together, but I'm happy to report that I needn't have worried as she's one of the funniest and most genuine people I've had the pleasure of getting to know through blogging. Her blog is neat and minimalistic, which I love, and her posts are always well written, honest and bursting with personality. You can really tell her personality through her writing which I really admire, and she's not afraid to throw the odd swear word into the mix too. I did have a post from 2015 linked here previously, but I'm going to cheat now and link this one from today. It's had me in tears and really does show how strong a woman she is.

If you're interested in reading about feminism, body and/or period positivity or pretty much anything else that falls under the huge 'lifestyle blog' umbrella, you need to check out this blog. Tara, the sassy minx behind the blog, is one of my go-to people for anything sex related, she knows everything and is always super helpful and never judgemental. Although we don't talk all the time and have never met in person she knows personal things about me that I've been unable to tell anyone else, that's how easy to talk to she is. I feel like her blog is a true reflection of that; There's never a hint of judgement in any of her posts and she's very open and up-front. I don't say this too often, but Tara really is an inspiration to me, she's such an intelligent and open-minded person that I can't help but be super impressed by everything she does. The one post from last year that really resonated with me was this one, which is all about befriending successful women rather than competing with them, something that I've consciously been doing for a number of years now.

As I said at the start of this post, I really could make this post super long by listing a tonne of fantastic blogs that I discovered in 2015, but really who would read it? I'd recommend checking out all five of these as I think there really is something for everyone here.

If you have any favourite blogs from last year, or if you started blogging yourself in 2015, please feel free to leave links and suggestions in the comments.

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