Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Chasing the Dream | An Interview with Jemma of Dorkface

Everyone in life has some kind of goal or dream; whether it's being PM/President, starting a family or flying to the moon, we're all trying to do something with our lives. I've put together a few questions about life goals and asked some wonderful people to share their stories in the hope that it'll help to inspire me, and maybe you too, to keep working towards ours. First up is Jemma of Dorkface talking about her dream.

What's your name and how old are you?

Jemma Morgan Humphreys & my birth certificate will tell you I'm 27, but I swear it's a LIAR.

What dream are you trying to achieve?

To work for myself in a creative/digital industry. I am an Artist/Designer/Social Media Manager as well as being a blogger, and I hope I can combine all this to work for myself one day!

How long have you had this dream and how long ago did you decide to pursue it?

I've had this dream since I left school and studied at college. I always wanted to work for myself; designing and selling my Artwork, I just never thought it was possible. Now with the power of social media and my passion for it; it's actually a possibility. I only officially decided I would 100% go for this dream a few weeks ago.

What are you doing to try and make it happen?

I'm going to part time work rather than full time; so I can spend as much time working on my brand as possible. I've also opened an Etsy shop, offered my design services online (and gotten a bunch of work already!) and approached businesses about managing their social media (to which two have agreed!).

What's the best advice you've been given to help make the dream happen?

"You ARE good enough, and you are destined to do great". - That kind of belief from someone is a powerful thing.

What advice would you give to someone with a similar dream?

Stop thinking that it won't happen to you, or that you aren't good enough or don't have the qualifications. As long as you have passion, and you give it 100% you will go so far! I hate when people sit around and moan, though; get out there and do everything you can! (I promise it'll be worth it).

What are the best parts of trying to achieve your dream?

The best part is knowing I'm TRYING. No matter what comes next, I'll never look back with regrets of not knowing. I feel so good about this journey that I'm on, and knowing what I'm capable of.

What are the hardest parts of trying to achieve your dream?

Time management, rejection, instability. A good support system helps with ALL of this, though. Just keep going!

If you could start from scratch, what would you do differently?

I'd start earlier, that's it.

Anything else you'd like to share with us?

Just this little bit of information about me - Just over a year ago I was living with my mum, unemployed and feeling totally lost. These days my lovely boyfriend and I have our own apartment, I'm working in a really cool job and I have made a big start on achieving my dream. Plus I've made a whole load of new friends and had new opportunities.
- What I'm trying to say is even if life is pretty shitty right now, it can all change SO much if you stay positive, and keep going.

Thank you Jemma for sharing your dreams and goals with us, it's been great getting to know a bit more about you. I hope you all found this an interesting read, if you did please go and show her very pretty blog some love. If you're working towards a specific goal and would like to talk about it, please contact me through my page above.

You can find Jemma via the links below:

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