Sunday, 2 November 2014

Weekly Round-up #13

Loved:  Finding chickens in my garden

I live in the middle of a really built up area, the only animals you see around here are cats and dogs, and that's not very often. So when I went into the back garden to see what Cherry (my dog) was barking at, to be faced with 2 chickens just wandering around was the strangest thing. We had a nice little chat and they disappeared again. I don't really want to say too much about them as at the time of writing this I'm still unsure what I'm going to do, but if things are as bad for them as I think, they might just find themselves in a new home.

Watched:  The Flash

As much as I love the comic genre as a whole, I'm a Marvel girl at heart, so with DC being behind The Flash I was really curious to see what they had to offer the small screen. I got about half way through the pilot and already declared on twitter than I think The Flash p*ssed all over Marvel's Agents of Shield. It was a heck of a lot better than I was expecting, and although my hopes weren't massively high, it shattered them. Take note Marvel, that's how you do the small screen! I just hope that it doesn't fade into boredom like so many other shows I've loved the pilot of seem to have done.

Listened to:  My Chemical Romance (link)

I've started moving my iTunes library over to my new laptop at last, and one of the first albums to jump out at me was Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. I used to listen to this on a loop back in the day, so listening to it now brings back memories, some good and some not so much. I still love every single song off here though, so I'm glad to have it back in my life.

Bought: A photography light box

Living in Wales is a pain in the bum for photography, even in the height of summer the light can be hit and miss, so I usually wait until I have a 'good light' day and photograph everything I think I might need in the coming weeks. With autumn well and truly here now it's harder than ever, I was finding that, at best, I'd have an hour and a half every day to take pictures. So, I bit the bullet and finally bought some lighting equipment so I don't have to be a slave to the sun. It was really cheap actually; I got 2 lights, with stands and bulbs, a camera tripod, the box and 4 back drops all for under £23. There are loads of these sets floating around eBay and Amazon, so shop around if you're looking for one, the seller that I bought from has sold out now, but this one is exactly the same, just cheaper. The thing that swayed me towards this kit over any other is the fact that it folds down into a really slimline case, I can fit it down the side of my wardrobe which is fab because I don't have much storage here. I used it for the first time whilst taking pictures for my Monthly Favourites, and I can't believe the difference it makes. I'd usually have to spend a good couple of hours editing photos for a post like that, but all I had to do this time was a bit of cropping. It was a doddle and now I'm kicking myself for not buying it sooner.

Read:  Just Julie

I've already linked you to this blog this week, in my Monthly Favourites, but I had to mention Just Julie properly as I've read her blog a lot this week. Just Julie is a beauty blog run by the lovely Julie (clue's in the title). She's always honest and tells it as she finds it, I love that about her. I particularly love her 'Beauty Crazes I Don't Understand' post, I'd be lying if I said I didn't giggle and nod my head in agreement at a couple of them.

Instagram:  600 followers!

Earlier this week I reached 600 followers on Instagram, which is obviously fantastic! I never thought that anyone would care about my silly little photos or be interested in seeing what products I love and what I don't, but it's growing every single day. I've met some amazing people through blogging, even though I've only been at it since April, and although I haven't met most of them in real life, I still class them as friends. Thank you for reading my blog, following me on Twitter or Instagram, or 'liking' my Facebook page, it really does mean a lot to know that my hard work isn't for nothing. I appreciate every single one of you!

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