Monday, 28 July 2014

Manicure Monday | Models Own - Speckled Egg in Duck

After a brief love affair with Lychee last week, I am back to the more bold side of my collection. This week I've been loving another of the Speckled Egg collection from Models Own.

models own speckled egg duck

This beautiful blue is called Duck, and is my second favourite blue that I own (the first is a perfect T.A.R.D.I.S blue, nothing will ever beat that). As with Dove that I posted a few weeks ago, this is a pleasure to apply, but I found it slightly thinner than the previous. For these photos I applied three thin coats and topped it with a coat of Seche Vite.

I really can't speak highly enough of this collection, if you're debating whether to buy any of them I suggest you do, you really won't be disappointed. It's such a quick and easy way to get a unique effect on your nails, making it look like you've spent a lot longer doing your manicure than you really have.

Models Own Speckled Egg in Duck is available online or in stores nationwide for £4.99.

What do you think of this polish?

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