Wednesday, 2 April 2014

My First Blog | Exciting and Scary!

I have been thinking about creating a blog for quite a while now. I think watching too much Sex and the City made me think I could be a much better writer than was actually possible, but surely I could blog, couldn't I? I guess we'll soon see.

I don't have any life changing thoughts to put out there, or any amazing recipes that just have to be shared, but one thing I do have a lot of is time. I'm not sure yet if this will ever been seen by anyone other than myself, but I do know that if I don't take the leap and try something that scares me a little bit, I'll regret it.

You may be thinking "it's only blogging, what's so scary?", but you see, I have crippling anxiety and the thought of someone judging me or the things that I like is frightening. Terrifying, in fact. It is something that has stopped me from doing a lot over the past few years, but I've reached the end of the line with it. I'm done being too scared to do the things I like. You know what they say, feel the fear and do it anyway, well this is the first step. If I can sit in the privacy of my own bedroom and type a few things not knowing if I'm going to get judged or even if it'll ever be seen, then maybe, just maybe, I'll be able to overcome other fears and take bigger leaps. We can but hope.

So, if you have read up until now, thank you and hopefully I'll see you on my journey to a happier me.

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