Monday 8 February 2016

Manicure Monday | Barry M Midnight Gelly - Black Cherry

As you may have gathered from the past couple of seasons, I do have a bit of a soft spot for blackened red nail polishes, so when Barry M released their new Midnight collection I just had to get my hands on Black Cherry.

Black Cherry is one of the deepest red polishes I own, you'd be forgiven for thinking it was straight up black at first glance but it does contain a rather large dose of red too. Being from Barry M's Gelly range, you know that it's going to be very glossy, but unfortunately, that does have its drawbacks too.

I found the formula of this polish to be really thick and sticky, even on the first coat it was difficult to work with, and this is the first time I've opened it. The free edge of my nails had little stringy bits of polish hanging off them so I needed to spend considerable time cleaning them up, which I'm just not used to with Barry M. Because the formula was so thick I did feel that I had to apply a good self-levelling top coat to even it out but it was still super shiny before I did that.

All in all, I do really like this polish, the shade is right up my alley, it's fully opaque in two coats and the end result is gorgeous, it's just a shame that it takes a bit more work than I'm used to. I know the photo here is pretty terrible and the application is even worse, but I had a serious case of the shakes while applying it and didn't have time to re-do it. I will at some point and I'll update the photo as soon as I can.

Barry M Midnight Gelly in Black Cherry is available online for £3.99.

What do you think of this polish now that it's got a not-so-glowing review from me, would you still buy it?

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